
The Search is Over. PTL

A few years ago I wrote an article for our mission's magazine, the Call To Prayer. It was entitled, "In Search of Sammy."

The article was about a former student of mine, named "Sammy" ( not his real name ). It was about the family and background that Sammy came from. His Dad was an alcoholic and would not be seen by the family for days. Sammy and his two sisters came to our boarding school in 1996-97.

Sammy would hang around me, and even got the nickname of Coach Jr. Since he even styled his hair like mine. One day, he asked me if he could call me " Dad ". I told him to think of me more as an older brother, since I didn't feel like a Dad type at all.

Well, I have been searching the past 9 years or so for Sammy. And I praise the Lord I have found him. He is in a prison in California. I wrote to him a couple weeks ago and he wrote right back. I plan to go and visit him. Of course, I know, this is not the same shy kid I knew back in 1997. Being in and out of the correctional system, I am sure has jaded him. He is due for release in December some time, if he doesn't have to stay in longer.

Please pray for him and all the details in order for me to go and visit him. Pray that he will be open to hearing the Gospel of Christ. But for now, I am just glad that Sammy will once again be a part of my life.

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